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Differences between Voice, Noise and Sound

2013-03-27 08:46:57 责任编辑:admin 来源: 浏览次数: [字体: ]


Differences between Voice, Noise and Sound
Mr. Zhang: (Beating the table loudly with his pointer教鞭’) Silence! Silence, please. Now who can tell me the differences between the words voice, noise and sound?
Huang Fa: (Covering his ears with his hands) May I have a try?
Mr. Zhang: Yes, please.
Huang Fa: Just now when you were beating the table, we heard noise. Also just now when you were speaking, we heard voice. Generally speaking, whether just now you were beating the table or were speaking, we call all that sound.
Mr. Zhang: (Realizing something, with a red face, beating the table gently) Thank you, thank you. Thank you not only for your wonderful explanation of the differences of the three words, but also for reminding me that we should pay attention to the sound pollution.

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