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Interesting Questions

2013-03-27 08:46:57 责任编辑:admin 来源: 浏览次数: [字体: ]


Interesting Questions
1. Where should we go if we want to share in the cost of a dinner with our friends?
2. What kind of talk always makes people laugh?
3. One day in the bathroom, Xiao Gang had nothing on, but his father said he had really put something on! Do you know what it is?
4. In which country buildings sound higher, the United States or the United Kingdom?
1.      Yesterday in a mine of mine I found a mine mined fifty years ago. Which mine in the sentence above is very, very dangerous for people’s life?
1. We should go Dutch (吃饭等付款时的AA)
2. Cross talk (相声)
3. Weight.
4. In the United States(一幢六层高的楼房,美国人把第六层说成the sixth floor 而英国人则说成第五层the fifth floor, 因为英国的第一层楼称为the ground floor)
5. A cold catch a cold 感冒)。
6. The third one. 第三个mine的意思是地雷。本句应译为昨天在我的一个矿井里人们发现一个六十年前敷设地雷



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